Complex day...

Forca da Uniao - Felipe Senatore
Originally uploaded by madeinbrazil.
Wow! Strange, interesting, and tough day today was...
Ok, at work things went out ok, pretty smooth day with a few glitches at night... Tomorrow we will see further consequences of these glitches.
Besides that, I've heard from a long long lost friend. I've never met her, only corresponded for a few years. Then we meet again through the wonderfull world of technology.
As I get home I hear that the restaurant right beside our house was just robbed with 5 people holding everyone at gun point and taking a bunch of stuff.
Later, as I get home, getting ready to have dinner, I step on the dog's pee (ewwwww!!!). The light was too dim for me to see, so.. I noticed it too late.
And, to cap it off, tried to learn some french using my company's product.
Now, almost midnight, time to go to bed to have another day full of surprises!
listening now to some Tori Amos to tone down the night.
nighty night, sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite!!