All new is old in the land of the sun

Land of the Sun, that is what our state if called. Now it so happens that I really don't like the sun, I mean as hot and as bright as we get it for the number of days that we get it. I miss some rain, downpours, lightening (all within a safe, non-disaster making, limit of course).
It has started again... Boredom... Since last post, work work work. At work still everything the same, bosses playing that they are working, coming in 3 hours a days, 4 days a week and when they come, "Do this! do that! this is wrong!" No hello, thanks, how are you doing. Heck, after all, like my boss said once, "He respects his employees because he thinks it is a nice thing to do, we owe him respect because he owns us". Sheesh, unfortunately he has a point because lucky for him we are in a country with a high unemployment rate, but if he had taken the time to study something about business, leadership, human resources... It takes a little bit more then fear, threats to make someone produce at their best level. Anyway, life goes on...
Dating... 1 year, 1 month, 7 days and counting! Wow, its been a long time. So far so good, now she's hinting about marriage. Of course, I cut the conversation short. I am too young, she is too young, the relationship is too young, and everyone knows that "she's-the-right-person-for-me-feeling". That feeling hasn't hit me yet, so we take it day-by-day. My cousin is getting married though, 2 years younger then me and a proud father-to-be! Another cousin of mine is also pregnant. Now, this baby stuff is starting to hit my generation...
Actually, speaking of generation, I have been thinking a lot recently about my life. It has almost been 4 years since I am back to Brazil. Next year I have plans and luc

In other news... A topic I have been reading a lot about recently is personal productivity, how to be organized. I have come to think (maybe because I am getting "old") that time is our most precious resource. We can either make it as an asset and have it give us positive things, or as a liability where it continuously disrupts us... So far I've read Covey's two books, the 7 Habits and the 8th Habit and I am now reading Getting things done. So far these books have been of great help! I have to tell you the truth tough, I have to read them again to really get many of the concepts working out better. With these books and their concepts, I have started to use a few tools like Google calendar and a task organizer linked to it. Indeed, I have yet a lot to learn, but so far I have gained improvement.
Ok, its Sunday night and I still have to organize some stuff for the week. Until next time! Be happy, be safe and be smart!!
Artwork: Trinity by Natasha Wescoat; Three Crooked Houses by Carol Shelton.
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