Super-duper fast week

At work... Today I was looking at my desk and I starred at the pile of errands
I have, its quite tall actually. I was amazed and thought how it got to that point. So, with little thought I remembered that last week I had a client visit, a general meeting, a workshop, a selection process, many reports to complete, besides from my usual duties. With that said, its not difficult to imagine that I was at work during morning, afternoon and night.
So, after home I got home and relaxed, right?! Not quite like that. Now, my philosophy is: "if you are going to do something, do it right". Which brings me to the dating topic... If I am going to date someone I should devote my time and effort to it. But... what time is left for dating??? With my kind of scheduling, its going to be pretty late at night.
We planned t

Now, the past couple of days I haven't seen her so I was able to have at least my normal amount of daily sleep (which is about 5hrs). This is still not enough to recover from last week, but its the best I can do. Right now if I stay steady in one place theres a risk I will take a nap, lol. One day I will figure out how to create a day with 28 hours, then I would be happy. In the meantime I will try to figure out other time management techniques.
For next this week. Nothing quite planned yet. Theres a big party mid-october I want to go to but I still have to check a few details before making the investment. Its an enormous yearly party that happens in our city but so far I haven't gone to any.
I have another training scheduled at work that we had planned to start on Monday but the trainee gave up. So, maybe we will start one this week. Right now, after I get done writing I will return to work and try to eliminate my pile of To-Dos.
peace & lots of fun to all!!
Artwork: Sheep Can't Sleep: Dona Turner (top-right); Dream: Pablo Picasso (bottom left).
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