1 more week over and 1 more atypical week it was..

ok, so... Lets see where we shall begin...
For a change it was a reasonably eventful week.
Wednesday we had my cousin's bday in our currently favorite bar. A lot of people went, it was pretty fun, but it was mid-week so we couldn't extend the partying that much, at least the majority of us couldn't. If you wanna see some pics, I posted them here.
Then on Thursday.. Unpleasant events start to unfold. My father comes to town, he drops me off at work and while Im getting out of the car he hurts his back. I don't even notice and go inside my job. Later I found out that he couldn't move and was still inside the car. I leave to see what happened, hes already gotten some medication that my cousin-in-law bought for him and the car is also stuck... So, he calls the tow truck. Later on that night my cousin and cousin-in-law drive him back to his house (in the beach city, 90 mins away from here). Friday they come back and he is still injured. I go to visit him on Saturday.
Friday morning we go to visit a prospect client. On our way back, me, my boss and our corporate sales (my cousin) go over a huge whole in the middle of the street and... the car breaks. We had to call the tow truck. For the shits & giggles I wait to go with him to the mechanic and we go on top of the tow truck inside the car. It was fun!!!! It was almost like a rollercoaster ride (I imagine, once I've never been in one).
Friday night we go to drop of my cousin-in-law at the airport. He is spending 20 days in his home city in the state of São Paulo. Away he goes for a while... He is missed.
Saturday I'm tired from all of this and don't go to work. Saturday afternoon we go to visit my father and my brother is also there. My father is better, we go and have a late lunch while watching a beachfront sunset. It was nice. We come back a bit soon after that because we had to go to a concert our company is sponsoring.

I get home, relax a bit and go get ready. I went to the concert with my cousin and my girlfriend. My cousin's datedidn'tt answer the phone. I find some people from work and some friends of friends, even my ex-brother-in-law (its been ages!). The concert was Ney Matogrosso, a bizarre/exotic but very nice Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) singer. The concert was at Mucuripe Club, the biggest venue we have in this city.
We watch the concert and then I go inside a nightclub with my girlfriend. From 1am until 4am we are inside this nightclub, we stay in the same spot and I'm just shaking my thang!!! lol It was a blast. The surprise at the end was that my bill was just 5 bucks!!! I only had a drink. Wow!! It's been ages since I've drank so little. I don't know what happened, but...
Then we go home. Sunday, we go to watch a movie, just me, Bia and my cousin (her brother). Its a Brazilian movie about some the life story of a country singer duet very famous here. Interesting movie, although I reallydon'tt like country music.
So, that was my week... Pretty eventful as I said... Good news, bad news, odd news, ranacrosss some people I hadn't seen in ages... Only saw my girlfriend twice (once more thanks only to her scheduling difficulties...). But, life goes on.
This week, have no idea whats up with it. I just know I'm starting it off with very little sleep.
Take care yall!
Much luvs and fun!! Peace!
A) I am buying you a new shirt and mailing it to your ass.
B) I need your other blog site again
C)GIRLFRIEND?!? Is she hottt?
D)Need more pics
E) My family said thanks, and they love you lots too.
F) Your the sexiest Mo-Fo in the world and I love you.
Hello Bia!!
I know... the end of august is being kinda tricky for us, no doubt about it.
And, "translating" Alice's comment, Mo-Fo = Mother Fucker (OMG I wrote a bad word!!!)
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