and the time goes by...

ok, so time flies, it doesn't wait, it doesn't slow down... It just doesn't pause, even if you are having fun and don't want it to go. In the past weeks I feel a lot has happened, which I think is good, but it seemed like yesterday...
Ok, so lets go for the recent facts. Wednesday it was a day off, thus it was rightfully used as a movie day. I went once more to see Fever Pitch with my girlfriend. No better movie option so we went to see it. But, the movie is good, its a nice chick flick (I hate to say it...), it has a few nice things to it.
Thursday was the day to stay home. Friday we (myself, my girlfriend and Bia) went to our currently favorite bar, but our favorite band wasn't there. And... like any healthy couple we had a bit of a disagreement there but overall the night was very nice.
So, yesterday not much happened, although much was planned. Friday I got a bit wasted, but that was because I had dinner close to midnight and started drinking a bit before then. So, instead of getting my hair cut after work I went straight home. I had a birthday party to go (our co-worker's daughter) but I couldn't reach anyone I was going with. So... although I really wanted to go I stayed at home.

At night, I was planning to do something, it's been a month. However, I don't know why but I wasnt much in the mood to go out. It might be because I was tired, a bit sick... I have no clue... So, my girlfriend came and she spent the night here, pretty much in my room, since it wouldn't bother the people in our house. We talked and talked. It's quite interesting to date long time friends because although there is a lot you know about the person, theres still plenty more to learn. It was a very pleasant evening.
I believe we have quite a number of facets. We smile differently for almost everyone we know. A story that happened in our lives is told to a friend one way, to a confidant another, to an acquaintance... It's quite interesting how much but yet how little you might know of a person. So far this has been fortunate because it is less tedious then it might've seen.
Anyways... last hours of my weekend, I will stay at home listening to music and reading something. This is expected to be a busy work week, tomorrow I will be visiting a company with a team, pretty much all day.
So far this is it then. Peace and luvs to all!!
p.s. Artwork: Sun-Kissed - Rabi Khan (top left); Goodnight Moon - Clement Hurd (bottom right)
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