More days, more news...

ok, One more week since the last post. Between posts, a lot of work hours, a lot of good moments, stressful moments... Everything is normal.
One more week dating, most of the things are settling well. Not everything, but not is perfect so I wont expect that much.
A movie that I've recently seen, twice to be exact (not actually by choice...) is Fever Pitch. In it theres an interesting quote:
Can you even remember what you cared about 23 years ago? how bout 10? even 5!!! do you care about anything that you cared about 5 years ago?" (not verbatum, but thats asking too much)
Having something like this, something you care about for that long (10 years, 15 years or even 5 years) does take a lot of effort and dedication. Personally speaking that is good, but at times it is a double edge sword. Something that receives this unfortunately receives the burden of demonstrating this dedication too. Unwillingly this happens. I said this is unfortunate because it is unfair for anyone to be given this burden. But, this time will solve.
So far everything is peachy, a-okay. A friend has returned from his trip, Bia finally has gone out with us, yey!!

I beleive this is it for now. I've got a lot of sleep to catch up on. 'Night and have a very pleasant week!!
Artwork: Birth of Venus, Red - Andy Warhol; Lovebugs - Unkown author
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