Slooooow week

Work life... my bosses have been pressing a bit harder for everyone's efficiency. Now, the way Im used to work is: work hard, give my best and thats all I can do. Altough I completly understand, most of my work is done without close supervision. So, when my supervisors start monitoring, its when the pressure builds a little. So, I had a busy week at work.
Besides that, an employee got sick and gave us many problems to solve... sheesh... But everything so far is under control, its going, theres no need or efficiency in desperation.
Ok, personal life... a bit frustrating also. With this new relationship I've had man

However, we sat, we spoke and lets improve on it. That was the conclusion. Its a very complicated situation, but we've been through so much that maybe this we can manage. At least this one obstacle may solved. Lets see.
On friday I stayed at home, I had some scheduling conflict with her, so it didnt work out. Saturday... We had planned to go to a big techno party. Ended up not working out... I went to a forró party (regional music genre). This genre is soooo not my cup of tea, but... I went. It was ok, nice experience, I felt like a tourist being introduced to the local people and customs, lol.
Today I went with Bia and her brother to watch Fever Pitch. Its a nice chick flick (added with baseball). A good, relaxing movie. My gfriend didnt go, she was sleep cause she didnt have much sleep for the past few days.
As a side note, one of my best friends in the whole wide world got married today. Congratulations to Loren and Liz!!! I luvs ya veeeery much!!!!! I wish I were there, but I thought about yall!
So.. another week to come, but this looks like it will be better, specially cause there is a holliday on Wednesday. Yey!!
peace to all!!
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