Training, fun but difficult

Ok, so.. on tuesday afternoon we start getting the technical, difficult part of the job functions. I assign a homework for Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning I arrive at work and theres a message, trainee #1 (the former US University Professor) has removed himself from training, he said something unexpected happened and he needed to go back to the US.
Ok, so we have six now. Wednesday flows, difficult momments but overall nice. Thursday we start noticing that the sailor (trainee #7) isn't getting much a hang of it. I decide to work more with him, lets see how much he can produce. Thursday ends, massive amount of technical information is passed on homework assigned for tomorrow. To help them more, I give the trainees my cell phone number in case they need help. One hour after training my cell rings... The Aussie (trainee #6) is quitting, stating he will go back to Australia in a few months.
So... 5 left... I'm not happy... The company needs at least 5, we have 5 now and that is too close. I hope all five come tomorrow so we can continue. Lets see. Im quite happy with the group, nice people, dedicated people.
Its quite tricky though because the technical information of the job function is pretty strict so the pressure does get a lot of people. Lets hope for the best.
peace to all! I need rest and lots of booze!!
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