Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The rules of the game

Ok, as a miracle let's talk about something totally different here. I was a bit hesitant to write about this topic here since it has my face and identity, but... oh well. This is venting time.

Sometimes I would like to be a bit more of a business thinker, a chess player, one who knows the rules of the game and is willing to play it. I am not that kind of person, really, sorry, but I have a bit of professional sense to avoid needing to do somethings.

I have always worked with the idea that at any moment I could say, "Fuck it! I quit!"; or that someone could tell me "Fuck you! You are fired!"

I've always worked with this mindset, but doing everything possible to do the best job I could. Which means, I go to work, give my best, do my best, dont kiss ass, make those around me and the company happy and then go home. Luckly this has given me positive results so far. In all my workplaces I've had promotions, I was given trust and have never been fired.

Now, I've been placed in a situation where someone is pulling the strings against me. I could impose the authority and respect I have with me that is attached to my position, but who would benefit? Would I truly benefit from pointing out to a company who is being manipulative? I really think not, thus...

The wheels are now turning, we will see which direction it will take...

peace!! and remember to smile always!!


At 12:29 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Ohhhh, give me the details, give me the situation and scenario.

You were always such a good chess player, but when I wasn't playing against you I was a spectator, once again, let me watch you in action from here.

oh, and nice Magritte pic. Look up Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta, and of course M.C. Escher.


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