Friday, June 10, 2005

dream big

dream big
Originally uploaded by madeinbrazil.
Ok... so... oficially as of today its over, the temptation to be with the fling is over, the attempts, the times I tried, the work I've put into it, the effort, the emotion, myself.. It's over, she decided not to accept my offer, not to accept me, so... "I'm free as a bird.." (as the Beatles say...).

And so it is, a bittersweet feeling, but nonetheless necessary thing for both of us to live our lives. It's over, the attempt to become something else. We are friends, very good and close friends, nothing more.

Now, bring it on!!! Lets go, lets see whats out there, saturday I have a few options of going out, but the person Im really looking for... we will see...

Peace out!!! Im sorry for it not to have worked out, but we've reached a conscensous.

Peace & much luvs!!!

"Shes a brick and I'm drowning slowly.." (Ben Folds, Brick)


At 8:54 PM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

aw, your too sweet Alice!! and tks for the support bia!!


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