Ok folks, a new Year has arrived, we are happy, we are full of energy, we are ready 2 go!!
Lets now go down memory lane to see what happened in the past few days...
My brother arrived from Brasília (our nation's capital) on the 22nd. That day we went out to chat at a bar. There was me, my father, my brother, my girlfriend, my brother's "friend" and my cousin later arrived. We sat, we drank, we ate, we talked, it was a blast. My father went back early because he lives 90 mins away so it was a long drive. My brother then went with his "friend" to a "special" place so they could "talk in private". You all know what I mean, so theres no need to discuss this further. Then, we drove home, me my cousing and my gfriend. We were almost getting home and we found a Cuban dancing bar. There we went!! I had a blast, just sitting and watching the women shakin their thang!! (my girlfriend didn't like it that much, I wonder why...) .
Funny memory at this bar... As we are about to go in, my cousin goes in first to check out the scene. Its packed, but not crowed, very nice. He checks to see how much it is, he then tells the bouncers that its the first time I was going in, I dont know much about the city, want to meet the house, asks if I can go in without paying, the bouncers and the owner agree. We go in I sit at a corner with my girlfriend and I drink my smirnoff ice. My girlfriend isn't much of a touchy person, so we barely even hold hands. After a while the owner of the bar comes up to me saying my name, asks if I liked the place, offers me a drink, we have 20 more seconds of conversation and I noticed he is gay. Before making another move, I go for my gfriend's hand and hold it tight, close to me. He sees this, says hello to her and leaves. Now, I have nothing against gay people, matter of fact, vast majority of my work colleagues are. But, for some reason I have this luck, when I go out I have no idea why, but gay guys flirt more with me then straight women... Interesting fact...

Then we went for xmas!! I went to my mother's side of the family for a little while, it had been a long time since I hadn't spoken with them. But we got there late, so many people had already left.... Afterwards I went home, my girlfriend later came over. And by that time we celebrated
my birthday!!She was incredibly sick, poor woman... Sneezing, coughing, fever, you get the pretty picture. But I spent the first minutes of my birthday with her. Later on the day... At night, we planned a get together at a bar. I invited the people from work, but only one person showed up. So it was me, cousins, girlfriend, brother, friends... It was very very nice. We sat at the bar until it closed. Then... We weren't ready to quit drinking yet so we pulled over to an all-nighter gas station and its convenience store. I drank a little more, my cousin and my brother drank a lot more. We danced, talked, drank, all by ourselves at the gas station until the sun rose. Of course, our journey back home wasn't nice for both cars... But we have strong guardian angels and everyone was home safe (at 7am).
After that it was
New Years!!! We went to the house of my aunt's parents (my aunt and uncle live in a different city). It was a huge family gathering, about 40 people, people I hadn't seen in ages! We were there until 3am drinking a lot (I only drank a bit of real champagne). At about 3am my uncle gives us 5 tickets to go to one of the most exclusive New Year's party in town. Each ticket was worth over 600 bucks, all-you-can-eat buffet, all-you-can-drink (and only the best options). When we got there I really started drinking my vodka, there was a little bit of everything to drink. We were there until almost 7am, dancing, drinking,... The rain sortta spoiled our fun at a few moments, but nothing big. And once more, the journey back home... drinking and driving.. But we got home safe, I don't really want to go through those experiences once more... Too much adrenaline for me. lol

The following week, I decided to spend some time with my father at his beach house. My brother was already there with his "friend" and I went with my girlfriend and my cousin (but he returned home 2 days before we did). It was just drinking, sun, card games, dating... Just what I needed to close down my vacation.
My brother left today, yesterday we had a little get together with family also to spend some more time with him. I really enjoyed this vacation, my brother was here, we had a lot of family presence, my beloved girlfriend was by my side at all times which definetely made our relationship a lot stronger.
Tomorrow I'm going back to reality. Work starts once more, I still haven't gotten paid, still have no money whatsoever... (2nd month now). For once I don't think I got sick and tired of my vacation, this one was busy and it was extremely pleasant.
Peace to all and a wonderful 2006!!!artwork: Christmas -
Sandi Wickersham. More pictures also here.