Finally lighter week...
ok, this post will be on a much brighter / lighter tone then the previous one.
About work, remember the training I was giving? That is over, 3 started 2 removed themselves and one actually started working thursday. So far so good. However, the position remains open so anytime now I will start training again. Besides that, theres other positions, so I think work will be much harder in the following weeks. Next week we are planing to move in to our new location, everyone at work is excited about that.
The couple that had split up the week before last are doing fine. Each one has taken their ways and both are doing ok. I am happy for both but I will miss the good times we all had (maybe we will have those again, who knows?).
In other news... today for the first time in its 505 years Brazil had the pleasure of listening to my opinion in its democratic process. Our voting process is compulsory from the age of 18. But since I had been out of the country since that age, this is the first time I vote, yey!! We had a referendum to ban the sale of firearms, and the people voted against it. I really didnt want this to happen, but... violence rate here is so high, people think that owning a gun is safer.
Switching back topics.. my own relationship is now in its healthy stage. Its been 2 months and a half now, and although we've been friends for over a decade its so different to have this kinda of relationship. What I've seen in the past months is that unfortunately relationships do not only rely on each other's efforts. The personality match has to happen. For example, I am this and she is that, we compromise. But theres so much of this compromise that is supposed to happen, if not we have different people which is not healthy for either one of them.
So, recently we were in a very stressed point, mostly I was... we sat, talked and we are still going. We both want this to work out, we are just trying to see how, our lives have many divergent points, but there is a will.
Just came back from, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. Quite funny, interesting, nice story movie / musical. I just really didnt like it cause it was dubbed at the place I went.
Ok, time for me to go and get to bed, long week ahead. Good peaceful week to all!