The Key to Life is...

The Key to Life is Balance
Originally uploaded by madeinbrazil.
I beleive that nothing should be done in a "half-ass job" (pardon my french).
Everything I do I have to give 110% to it. I wont work if I cant devote 110% to it; I wont have a true friendship if I can't give 110% to it; I wont love if I can't give 110% to it. Thats it, simple rule.
However, although this can be exhaustive I think this is the only way to really, fully live life.
I work over 12hrs per day and I do it happily. Afterwards I still party of speak with friends, or both at the same time.
I feel that nothing can be truly felt, be truly experience, be truly appreciated if you dont give all you can for it (and a little more).
So far I have worked hard first before somoeone has worked hard for me; I have given trust before I could trust someone... and so forth (no further examples given, or needed).
This is my life, pure and simple. True or not, who knows?!?!?! (as one of my favorite students say...)
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