Sunday, April 10, 2005

So, how was it?!

Wild Party I - Alfred Gockel
Originally uploaded by madeinbrazil.
Party was over for me at almost 6am. So... overall it was very good. Lots of songs that werent even from my time, but it was pretty cool. The crowd was behaved, it was indeed packed, but luckily not THAT packed.

It was indeed quite an adventure to get to this party. My cousin who was going with me said he couldnt go anymore because he had to work, he has one of those wierd hour jobs.

But eventually I got there and stayed with a friend of mine. After the live music part we went inside one of the nightclus and continued the booty-shaking.

Overall the party wasnt 100%, but it was very nice, worth the money. Just a few headaches throughout the party, but that is related to my string of luck.

By the way, we had a job reunion beforehand. We had planned for close to 20 people to gather. Only 1 co-worker showed up... Shessh, Im sure not going to help organize another work-related thingy anymore.

So, now, let the week begin!
peace, joy & lots of fun!


At 10:36 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Get togethers between coworkers outside of work rarely pull off... I tried so many times up here in the states... HA! People never want to do crap outside of work.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

what?! you fantastic alice saying that?!?!?! Our memorable momments were from such reunions... But of course, college kids working in a fast food wouldnt be counted as a real job for many people...


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